The Holidays Are Here: Are you Utilizing Social Media?


Thanksgiving has passed, the cold weather is here and the holidays are around the corner. As a small business owner, now is your opportunity to push meaningful, topical and engaging social media content. You may be asking yourself, “Where do I even start?” There are plenty of ways to boost your social media efforts! Here are a few tips to get you started.

It’s all about the right platforms at the right time

You’re a busy person and the amount of social media platforms out there are unthinkable. So how do you decide which ones to use? Research where your business’ demographic is on social media. Try to pick 2-4 platforms to regularly post to. After this, research when your potential customers are online. Finding the right spot and time will help you gain more engagement and interactions.


There is no question about it. If you want to increase engagement, utilize photos in posts. Not only is a photo worth a thousand words, it also helps increase likes, shares and comments! If you don’t believe me, test it out for yourself. Check your insights and analytics. Compare posts with photos and without. We all want to see visuals on social media, not read a novel. Why not put it all into a visual?

Be Creative

When developing content, one must think about what their audience wants to see. Your content and post should be directed toward them for increased engagement and activity. This can be something inspiring, funny or industry related. If your audience can connect and engage with your social media posts, they are more likely to share, like or comment. Always be sure to keep posts short, include a visual and/or a link back to your website.

Now that you’re all set up with the basics of social media, get on there and engage with your audience. Your audience will like that you’re acting as a human and not just a business. Connecting with your audience will help you grow your following and increase engagement!

Have a happy holiday season from all of us at!

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