Why You Need An SEO Company & Why You Might Not Have One

questions markrs

This is my food for thought today…

Most companies that want to have a website built in order to establish their online presence will go to a website design and development firm.  While this is certainly the approach most people take, the drawback in doing this is that their website will not be built (most of the time) to be “SEO-friendly.”  In fact, most websites will not be built to be “SEO-friendly” because there are some firms that just cannot grasp—nor do they know, what SEO is.

Also, one of the reasons that you probably decided to have a website built in the first place is because all of your competitors are doing it.  In fact, you probably notice them seeing some sort of ROI or their brand name popping up all over the Internet…and desire to do the same thing.

So, now you have a website built… 

The next thing you need to think about is why you have a website (something that you should have thought about beforehand or had your marketing team do.)  While I would like to believe that most companies and business owners have a website built in order to get business, some have no idea what it’s for.  Maybe they just think it’s the next fad…

Anyway, what I am getting at is this:  There should really be no reason for you to have a website unless you want to get into Internet marketing or get business off the Internet.  While some might tend to disagree (they are merely using it for branding purposes) the fact of the matter is, it should be built to be “SEO-friendly.”  That is, you should be consulting with an SEO company or Internet marketing firm in order to guarantee that your website is set up properly—plain and simple.

If your website isn’t optimized correctly and you do SEO, PPC, or any other form of Internet marketing, you will trouble getting the online business you so desire for that search giant will call Google.

Ask for Lance Bachmann!

If you want to know more about how to guarantee your website is set up so that it is “SEO-friendly,” feel free to reach out to me at any time.

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